Beauty & Wellness

"The logistics expertise of Bigblue is a true growth lever for Nieves Beauty."

Adriana Castro Gonzalez, CEO of Nieves Beauty
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Key Performance Indicators
+96% average customer satisfaction
for Nieves Beauty
+80% open rate
for personalised tracking emails
Already +10 countries
have benefited from the Bigblue x Nieves Beauty experience in 2023
Just like Nieves Beauty, transform your logistics into a growth lever!
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Bigblue, a key logistics partner for Nieves Beauty's development

Founded by the famous Spanish top model Nieves Alvarez and led by Adriana Castro Gonzalez, Nieves Beauty embodies the perfect fusion of beauty and innovation. With ten years of experience in the cosmetic sector, Adriana skilfully transformed Nieves Alvarez's vision and personal experience into a range of skincare products that not only promise but deliver exceptional results.

However, behind this brand promise was a major challenge: logistics.

Adequate storage, crucial for preserving the quality of skincare, the speed of delivery expected by a demanding clientele, and simple and transparent order management were imperatives to maintain the brand's reputation and ensure customer satisfaction.

"Bigblue has established itself as a true strategic partner. Their teams handle our logistics with efficiency, enabling us to focus on what we do best: creating revolutionary skincare products. It's an invaluable peace of mind."
Adriana Castro Lopez
CEO of Nieves Beauty

Faced with these challenges, Nieves Beauty decided to partner with Bigblue. Since then, their logistics have transformed into a smooth and controlled experience. Our expertise in specialised storage, fast delivery, and efficient order management not only met Nieves Beauty's expectations but exceeded them.

This collaboration marked the beginning of a new era for the brand, where logistics became a strategic asset, allowing Adriana and her team to fully focus on innovation and expanding their range of high-end products.

How Bigblue's order management transformed Nieves Beauty's customer experience

For Adriana, providing an impeccable customer experience begins long before the product reaches the hands of the consumer. This is where Bigblue comes into play: our application, which simplifies order management, has quickly become indispensable for the brand.

Adriana emphasises the importance of this functionality: "In our industry, the slightest error in order management can lead to irreversible loss of trust. Bigblue ensures flawless precision in order processing, which is essential to maintain our reputation as a high-end brand."

Thanks to Bigblue, Adriana can easily and in real-time track each order, from preparation to delivery. This transparency not only ensures flawless accuracy but also strengthens customer trust in the brand. The flexibility offered by our application also allows Nieves Beauty to modify orders or change the delivery address at any time before preparation.

Our algorithm also facilitates the management of Nieves Beauty's demand peaks, assuring Adriana that each order is treated with the same attention and efficiency, regardless of the time of year.

Bigblue, a stepping stone for Nieves Beauty towards major retailers

One of Adriana's key goals was to quickly bring Nieves Beauty to the major retailers' market, a crucial step to expand the brand's presence in the luxury skincare market.

However, this ambition could not be achieved without overcoming a major logistical challenge: the effective integration and management of orders with major retailers.

Thanks to our warehouse management software and the Bigblue application, Nieves Beauty was able to optimise the processing of its B2B orders as well as its interactions with major retailers.

Optimise your logistics with Bigblue and boost your growth

Just like Nieves Beauty, transform your order management with Bigblue and elevate your post-purchase experience. Keep your customers happy, while you focus on what matters – building and promoting your brand.

NIEV Shopify Integration EN

An experience that Adriana can replicate on a large scale with Bigblue, ensuring that each delivery reflects the quality and elegance of the Nieves Beauty brand.

An attention to detail that has a direct impact on Nieves Beauty's customer loyalty and allows them to maintain their customer satisfaction rate at over 96%.

By choosing Bigblue, Nieves Beauty is not just simplifying its logistics; it is reinventing the brand experience, placing customer satisfaction and wonder at the heart of each order.

Elevate your brand with Bigblue's tracking experience

Our personalised tracking page provides your customers with real-time tracking from order preparation to delivery.

Seize this opportunity to promote complementary products and integrate your marketing banners.

NIEV Tracking Experience EN
Enhance your retail expansion with Bigblue's B2B expertise

Expand your presence in physical stores and with major retailers through Bigblue's B2B experience.

Easily manage your orders through our application and boost your growth with just a few clicks!

NIEV B2B Solution EN

Adriana emphasises: "With Bigblue, we not only have simplified access to major retailers, but we have also improved our ability to meet their specific requirements, which is a key factor in our growth."

This ability to operate at a higher level allowed Adriana to ensure a continuous and reliable presence in her strategic retail locations and thus strengthen her position in the luxury cosmetics market.

Personalised and real-time tracking experience: Nieves Beauty's winning formula with Bigblue

For a skincare brand like Nieves Beauty, offering a high-end customer experience doesn't stop at adding to the cart.

Personalisation of packaging and real-time tracking via a tracking page that reflects its brand are key features that Bigblue has brought to Nieves Beauty, allowing the brand to stand out in a highly competitive market.

"Every order is an opportunity to strengthen our image and connection with the customer," explains Adriana. "Thanks to Bigblue, we can add personalised touches like thank-you notes or special packaging, making each delivery unique and memorable."

Simplify your logistics and delight your customers with Bigblue

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