
Thanks to Bigblue, we provide a high-quality delivery experience to all our customers in France and internationally.

Yoann Assouline, Founder of Lashilé Beauty
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Lashilé Beauty
star icon
Key Performance Indicators
+15 000 BFCM orders
shipped in less than 48h by Bigblue.
3 warehouses
Bigblue ships Lashilé's parcels from warehouses in the UK, France and Spain
Viral unboxings with +3M views
leveraging custom packaging
Ready to offer the best delivery experience worldwide
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The global success of Lashilé Beauty thanks to Bigblue's logistics expertise

Since 2019, Lashilé Beauty has revolutionized the world of nutricosmetics with their star-shaped, fruity, vegan, and natural "Gummies." Their collaboration with Bigblue makes a unique delivery experience possible worldwide.

Today, they are a leader in France and have expanded through various distribution channels, including online sales, hair salons, and more than 3,000 pharmacies and pharmacies.

"La constance de Bigblue nous permet d'assurer une expérience de livraison très qualitative pour l'ensemble de nos clients en France et à l'international."
Yoann Assouline
Fondateur de Lashilé Beauty

Sharing the same customer obsession, Bigblue and Lashilé have been collaborating since early 2021 to provide a unique and high-quality delivery experience worldwide, both in terms of delivery times and unboxing experience.

With Bigblue, the brand ships thousands of orders daily in France and internationally.

Bigblue and Lashilé Beauty: A key logistics partnership for sustained growth

Lashilé quickly realized the need for a partner capable of maintaining consistent delivery quality for B2C orders to become a leader in France. Furthermore, for its international expansion, increased flexibility in stock management and packaging customisation was indispensable.

In addition to ensuring packaging customisation, Bigblue ensures the daily shipment of thousands of Lashilé orders from its warehouses. During peak activity periods such as Black Friday and Christmas, Bigblue ensured the preparation of all packages in less than 48 hours, demonstrating its operational expertise.

Additionally, Bigblue enabled Lashilé to boost sales through the implementation of special marketing campaigns, such as adding golden tickets to orders.

+15 000 commandes BF/CM Lashilé expédiées en 48h

La période du Black Friday et Cyber Monday est particulièrement importante pour Lashilé.
Grâce à Bigblue, Lashilé a pu livrer en -48h ses plus de 15 000 commandes !


Finally, Bigblue has implemented customized inventory alerts for Lashilé Beauty, allowing for the rapid resolution of any potential issues. These alerts have enabled Lashilé to maintain perfect control of its inventory, thus avoiding any undesirable shortages

The Lashilé unboxing experience, a success signed by Bigblue

Since the beginning of their collaboration in 2021, Lashilé Beauty and Bigblue have focused on optimizing the unboxing experience, a crucial step in the customer journey.

By combining attention to detail and respect for Lashilé's visual identity, Bigblue has helped the brand design three different types of eco-friendly packaging, all created to capture the customer's attention at first glance. With Bigblue, every Lashilé package becomes a memorable unboxing experience, encouraging sharing on social media.

Our customised packaging generates instant buzz, enhancing customer engagement and making each delivery a unique moment.

Le secret des Unboxings à plus de 3 millions de vues de Lashilé

Bigblue et Lashilé ont créé une expérience d'unboxing unique et 100% adaptés à l’identité visuelle de la marque. 

Résultat : Lashilé comptabilise + de 35K abonnées et plus de 3 millions de vues sur TikTok !

LASH Unboxings FR

Lashilé's international growth: the key role of Bigblue

The international expansion of Lashilé has been made possible thanks to Bigblue's logistical infrastructure. By leveraging Bigblue's warehouses in France, the United Kingdom, and Spain, Lashilé can efficiently and quickly store and ship its products across Europe, meeting the growing expectations of its customer base.

Additionally, Lashilé benefits from Bigblue's extensive network of European carriers to smoothly expand into new markets. Thanks to Bigblue, Lashilé has successfully optimised its international logistics operations, ensuring a seamless delivery experience for its customers wherever they are.

Lashilé expédie partout grâce au réseau Européen de Bigblue !

Lashilé s’appuie sur le réseau d’entrepôts et de transporteurs européens de Bigblue pour expédier ses gummies et compléments alimentaire partout, en un temps record !

LASH Bigblue Warehouses in Europe FR

Lashilé's successful expansion into international markets demonstrates Bigblue's ability to support e-commerce businesses' growth beyond borders.

Ready to offer the best delivery experience worldwide

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