Scaling brands

"Bigblue is not just our 3PL solution, it's our growth partner"

Nicolas Pradal and Eric Marmol, Founders of Eric Flag
Consult an Ecomm Expert
Eric Flag
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Key Performance Indicators
+100 000 clients
from Eric Flag benefited from the Bigblue experience
+92% delivery satisfaction
with Bigblue's post-purchase experience
+20% conversion uplift
using Bigblue's Fast Tags
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Eric Flag and Bigblue: Harnessing Expertise for Pursuing Excellence

It was during the creation of his sports videos for a community of over 30,000 subscribers that Eric made a crucial observation: the equipment he uses and recommends lacks consistency and reliability.

In 2018, he crossed paths with Nicolas, and together, these entrepreneurs decided to establish their own store, offering products meticulously designed by experts for experts. Recognising their logistical limitations, they opted to partner with Bigblue right from the outset to optimise their growth.

“It's always been clear that we add zero value managing the logistics, so we needed a solid partner. And we chose Bigblue; the product is quite complete, and the team is very responsive. We know that they will advise us, and sustain our growth,"
Co-founder of Eric Flag

This partnership with Bigblue allowed them to concentrate on their core strengths, safe in the knowledge that the logistical aspects were in the hands of seasoned experts.

This approach quickly yielded tangible results: Eric Flag has now become a benchmark in the field, boasting a strong customer base of over 100,000 individuals who are highly satisfied with their delivery experience, courtesy of Bigblue!

Bigblue goes beyond being just a logistics provider; it serves as a catalyst for growth.

The dashboards provided by Bigblue have become an integral pillar of Eric Flag's business strategy. These intuitive interfaces empower them with a clear, comprehensive view of their product performance and overall company metrics.

At a glance, they can pinpoint trends, identify optimisation opportunities, and make well-informed decisions based on concrete data.

The ability to predict delivery through the Fast Tag has proven to be one of Eric Flag's keys to success

Bigblue's involvement extends far beyond logistics. By employing innovative tools like the Fast Tag, Eric Flag has been able to transform the customer experience. By integrating this tool into their platform, every product listing now displays the estimated delivery date based on the customer's postal code.

The result? An optimised user experience, enhanced conversion rates through transparent delivery processes, and a drastic reduction in support tickets due to precise customer order status notifications.

Eric Flag optimises its logistics with Bigblue's dashboards

The dashboards of the Bigblue application allow brands to maintain control over their inventory, track their orders, and make forecasts...

"Collaborating with Bigblue has transformed our way of operating, providing complete visibility into our logistics," says Nicolas Pradal.

ERFL Dashboard EN

Thanks to Bigblue, Eric Flag has reshaped its online shopping experience. By incorporating innovative tools such as the Fast Tag and aligning their logistics with Shopify, Eric Flag has maximized delivery speed, fortified customer loyalty, and substantially increased conversion rates.

Eric Flag a depassé la barre des 100 000 clients satisfaits avec Bigblue !
Eric Flag a has reached the 100 000 clients milestone
Eric Flag boosts sales with Fast Tags

Eric Flag integrates Fast Tags on its product pages to provide its customers with a real-time delivery date.

As Nicolas explains, "Thanks to Bigblue's Fast Tag, we were able to transform our customer experience."

ERFL Fast Tag EN
Shopify integration revolutionises order management

Thanks to the integration, every purchase made is instantly synchronised with the Bigblue application to provide customers with fast and reliable delivery.

"The integration with Shopify is incredible; everything is synchroniSed from A to Z. It's a significant plus!" says Nicolas Pradal.

ERFL Shopify Integration EN

Optimisation and streamlined processes are the advantages of integrating Shopify into Eric Flag's operations.

Thanks to the seamless integration of Bigblue and Shopify, Eric Flag has reimagined their approach to order management. With these two tools synchronized, the coordination between order placement and processing has been seamlessly harmonized. Now, as soon as an order registers on Shopify, it instantaneously appears on Bigblue's platform, swiftly processed to ensure that Eric Flag's customers receive their orders in record time.

Ready for Eric Flag-like growth?

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