8 A/B Tests for E-commerce Brands to Boost Sales

8 A/B Tests for E-commerce Brands to Boost Sales

Julie Cauville

Julie Cauville

March 2, 2023

In today's fast-paced e-commerce industry, businesses always look for ways to optimise their websites and product pages to increase sales and revenue. One effective method to achieve this goal is A/B testing, also known as split testing. This powerful tool allows you to compare different versions of your product pages and identify which elements drive the most conversions.

E-commerce experts have long advocated for A/B testing, urging businesses to continually experiment with their website and product page designs to find the most effective strategies for driving sales. In this blog post, we'll explore 10 A/B tests of e-commerce brands' product pages proven to generate sales. We'll also provide brand examples and statistics to support the increase in conversion lift.

So, what product page optimization A/B tests should you run to generate more sales?

1. Test product images

Your product images are the first thing your customers see, so making them visually appealing is crucial. Test different angles, lighting, and backgrounds to see what resonates with your audience.

Here are some types of product images that brands can test:

  1. Lifestyle images show the product in a real-life context or setting, such as in use or a room. Lifestyle images can help customers visualize how the product might fit into their lives.
  2. Product-only images: These images show the product on a plain white or neutral background without distractions. Product-only images can help customers focus on the product itself and its details.
  3. Action shots: These images show the product being used or demonstrated, such as a person wearing clothing or using the equipment. Action shots can help customers understand how the product works and how it might benefit them.
  4. Close-up images: These images show the product up close, highlighting its features and details. Close-up images can help customers decide about the product's quality and craftsmanship.

Amazon, Wayfair and Warby Parker increased conversion by up to 47% with product image tests!

Amazon is a successful business that relies heavily on testing product images, resulting in a 27% increase in customer conversions. (Source: HubSpot)

Wayfair, an online furniture and home decor retailer tested product images for their rugs category and found that using lifestyle images, which showed the product in a room setting, increased conversion rates by 47%. (Source: CXL)

Warby Parker, an online eyewear retailer, found that showing the glasses on a model's face increased conversions by 12%. (Source: Shopify)

2. Test product descriptions

Your product description should be informative and persuasive. Test different lengths, tones, and formatting to see what drives more conversions.

Here are some examples:

  1. Length of description: Some customers prefer shorter, more concise descriptions, while others want more detailed information about the product.
  2. Brands can test different tones of voice in their product descriptions, such as formal or conversational, to determine which resonates best with their audience.
  3. Features vs. benefits: Some customers may be more interested in the product's features, while others may be more interested in how the product will benefit them.

Asos, Kiehl's and Moosejaw increased product page conversion by 30% with product description test

Fashion retailer ASOS tested shorter product descriptions and found that they led to a 5.8% increase in conversions. While skincare brand Kiehl's tested product descriptions that emphasized the benefits of their products and saw a 22% increase in sales.

Outdoor retailer Moosejaw tested the length of their product descriptions and found that longer descriptions increased conversions by 30%. (Source: HubSpot)

3. Test product titles

Your product title should be clear and keyword-rich. Test different wordings and formats to see what gets more clicks and conversions.

Here are some types of product titles that brands can test:

  1. Testing various keyword combinations can help brands discover the most relevant and popular search terms for their products.
  2. Brands can test whether including their brand name in the product title is more effective in driving sales.
  3. Brands can test special characters, such as asterisks or emojis, in their product titles to make them more visually appealing and stand out from the competition.

Zappos and Etsy's product title tests to boost conversion

Etsy is an e-commerce platform that allows individuals and small businesses to sell handmade or vintage items. They tested different variations of product titles and found that titles that included specific descriptors, such as color or material, led to a 12.9% increase in sales.

Online retailer Zappos found that adding specific keywords to their product titles increased their search engine visibility and organic traffic by 7.5%. (Source: Neil Patel)

4. Test product reviews

Social proof is a powerful motivator for customers. Test displaying reviews on the product page and experiment with different formats, such as a star rating or a written review.

Here are some types of product reviews that brands can test:

  1. E-commerce brands can test the impact of review content on conversions. For example, they can test whether reviews that highlight specific product features or benefits are more effective in driving sales than reviews that are more general.
  2. Brands can test whether reviews from verified purchasers or from third-party review sites have a greater impact on conversions.
  3. E-commerce brands can test where product reviews are placed on the product page, such as above or below the product description or near the "Add to Cart" button, to determine the most effective placement for driving conversions.

+15% CRO with product reviews like Sephora

Sephora is a popular beauty retailer that allows customers to leave reviews on products. They tested the placement of the reviews section on their product pages and found that moving it higher on the page led to a 15% increase in conversions.

Electronics retailer Best Buy tested displaying reviews on their product pages and found that products with reviews had a 15% higher conversion rate than products without reviews. (Source: Bazaarvoice)

5. Test call-to-action (CTA) buttons

Your CTA button should be prominent and clearly communicate what action you want the user to take. Test different colors, wording, and placement to see what drives more clicks and conversions.

Here are some types of CTA buttons that brands can test:

  1. Sticky buy button: Brands can test a sticky buy button that stays visible on the screen as the customer scrolls down the page. This can make it easier for customers to make a purchase without having to scroll back up to find the buy button.
  2. Display the price on the buy button: Brands can test displaying the product price directly on the buy button to make it more prominent and easily visible to customers. This can help customers make purchasing decisions more quickly, without having to search for the price elsewhere on the page.

6. Test social proof

As mentioned earlier, social proof is a powerful motivator for customers. Test displaying social proof, such as the number of likes or shares a product has received, on the product page.

Here are some types of social proof that brands can test:

  1. Brands can test different types of social proof, such as customer reviews, ratings, testimonials, or trust badges, to determine which types are most effective for their target audience.
  2. Test the placement of social proof: For example, placing customer reviews near the top of the page may be more effective in building trust with customers, while placing trust badges near the CTA button may be more effective in increasing conversions.

Online fashion retailer Nasty Gal found that adding a "most loved" section to their product pages increased conversions by 8%. (Source: Optimizely)

7. Test shipping and returns information

Customers want to know what to expect when it comes to shipping and returns. Test different messaging and formats, such as displaying shipping information as a pop-up or a dedicated section on the page.

  1. Offering free shipping or free returns for a limited time or on specific products, can be a powerful incentive for customers to make a purchase.
  2. Offering free shipping or free returns on orders over $50 may incentivize customers to add additional items to their cart in order to qualify for the free shipping or returns.
  3. Displaying the different delivery methods available for a product can help customers make an informed decision about their purchase. Brands can test the effectiveness of this strategy by displaying delivery options such as standard shipping, express shipping, or same-day delivery.

Online retailer ASOS tested different messaging for their shipping and returns policies and found that adding a "free returns" message increased conversions by 8%. (Source: Econsultancy)

8. Test product recommendations

Product recommendations can help increase sales by suggesting complementary or related products. Test different recommendation strategies, such as displaying them on the product page or in a pop-up after a user adds an item to their cart.

Clothing retailer Bonobos found that adding product recommendations to their cart page increased their average order value by 33%. (Source: HubSpot)

In conclusion, A/B testing is a powerful tool for optimizing your product pages and increasing your sales. By testing different elements such as product images, descriptions, pricing, and social proof, you can identify the most effective strategies for your audience and grow your e-commerce business. Keep testing, e-commerce warriors!

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