If you're ever looking for the perfect place to hide a body, you may be recommended on page 2 of Google results: 91% of users never go there.
However, if you want to make your acquisition strategy profitable, placing your e-commerce webpage in the top 10 Google results must be in your top 3 priorities.
But, facing giants like Amazon or La Redoute and improving your natural organic ranking when you are a DNVB can quickly become impossible...
... unless you have the right strategy!
So, I will now share with you Adrien Croville's checklist (SEO expert and founder of the Mentor Marketing agency) to thwart the SEO strategies of marketplaces thanks to the right keywords and rank first on Google.
☑️ Capturing user’s intent
Before you start looking for keywords for your e-commerce, you must divide them into 2 categories:
● Informational keywords: the gateway to your SEO tunnel (e.g. how to keep your vegan trainers in a good shape).
● Transactional keywords: those that users will type in when they intend to buy (e.g. buy vegan trainers in Paris). These are generally the most difficult to capture, as they are often taken over by the biggest e-shop vendors.
Adrien's advice to increase your traffic
Avoid trying to put too many keywords on your product pages as they can change regularly (especially in the clothing sector). Instead, Adrien recommends optimizing your category pages!
☑️ Identify your keywords and their monthly search volume
There are different methods depending on the size of your business and your needs:
🛠 Free tools.
- Do a manual search on Google, to check if you appear on the first page or not and pick out keyword inspirations.
- The Google Search Console tool gives you info on user queries before they get to your site.
- Ubersuggest gives you an overview of your positioning compared to your competitors.
💸 Paid tools.
- For €89/month, Ahrefs generates lists of keywords according to their search volume, CPC, location, etc.
- For around €100/month, you can use its competitor, Semrush, which has a database 3 times larger.
☑️ Inspecting Meta Titles
You simply have to enter your keyword, followed by "allintitle:" on Google and it will give you the number of websites where it is found in the Meta Title (e.g. more than 166k for "linen pillowcase").

If the result is under 5k, you should be able to rank pretty easily with this keyword. However, above 10k, it becomes more complicated.
☑️ Estimate the ideal word count for your product pages.
To do this, there's nothing like following your competitors. Using tools like yourtext.guru (which offers free trials!) or Semrush 👀.
Their algorithm will analyse the number of words present on the first 10 URLs.
Growth technique to go faster
Semrush also allows you to grab other keywords to rank higher in Google searches! For example, for the query "linen pillowcase", competitors also position themselves on "fitted sheet" or "natural duvet".
☑️ Marketplaces are your friends!
Despite all expectations, having marketplaces ranked in the top 10 of Google results can be a great asset for your e-commerce! This is because Google is likely to prefer the small ones and automatically rank them higher.
Improve your SEO with Bigblue
Once again, get inspired by the marketplaces and their functionalities! For example, by offering its customers an intuitive and personalised return portal, the brand CAVAL improves the referencing of its FAQ and its site at the same time!
Learn more

☑️ Determine your minimum Referring Domain
It's about identifying the number of backlinks you need to rank by keeping an eye on your competitors.
You can use the SEObserver tool to find out how many backlinks they have and use this as a guide for your SEO strategy.
Adrien's two tips if you don't have enough backlinks
1️.Primeiro, você pode se concentrar em otimizar suas palavras-chave informativas e produzindo conteúdo (postagens em blogs, etc.). Isso melhorará sua vinculação interna.
2 ️. Fique de olho seus concorrentes para se inspirar em suas estratégias! Com Ahrefs ou Semrush, você pode ver os backlinks que redirecionam a maior parte do tráfego para suas páginas de produtos!
☑️ Evitando duplicatas
Aqui estão duas coisas que você deve saber sobre duplicatas:
● Plágio não agrada Google, e se o GAFA nº 1 acusar você de plagiar um site, considere contratar um advogado.
● Isso é importante porque, se você tiver duas páginas idênticas, Google escolherá aleatoriamente exibir apenas um deles.
☑️ Analise a ordem das guias na barra de pesquisa
Para palavras-chave transacionais, se “Compras” aparecer depois de “Tudo” quando você digita sua palavra-chave, isso significa que o Google reconhece que é uma consulta comercial e é mais provável que você tenha uma classificação mais alta.

Por exemplo, a consulta “peruca de cobaia” existe como uma consulta comercial, enquanto “peruca de camelo” não!
De acordo com Adrien, se você aplicar esse método toda vez que pesquisar uma palavra-chave, seus esforços começarão a valer a pena em três meses.
Você poderá dormir em paz enquanto seu negócio de comércio eletrônico naturalmente sobe no ranking do Google.
E para aprimorar um pouco mais seus conhecimentos de SEO, aqui está o link para um manual gratuito e ultra-detalhado sobre o assunto ⤵️
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